According to the stats, about 10% of kids between 1 and 10 years old change their home at least once in their life. Psychologists claim that nearly half of them experience this phase dramatically.
Some kids tend to be emotionally withdrawn for a certain period, while others become more aggressive in their new schools. Avoiding such psychological consequences because of switching homes, though, is possible.
That’s why parents must know how to approach their children and what to do in this kind of situation. Today, we offer you a detailed guide on how to move out with kids in as healthy and stress-free a way as possible.
Create a plan for the move-out
When changing your address, what mostly bothers a kid is that their whole life is uprooted. Kids tend to attach easily, and they stick to their habits and relationships.
When something changes, they might feel confused and disrupted. These emotions deepen when the new place you take them is out of any order. The more chaotic you are in the removal process, the more complicated and upset the kids will feel.
On the contrary, when you have a scratch of a plan and everything set, a child can quickly adapt and, most importantly, feel that everything will be alright.
This is because you are your kid’s primary support. And your little one expects you to take care of him/her, but not be speechless and unready in case a problem occurs.
Explain what is happening and why
Telling the news about moving out is where everything starts. Knowing how badly their kid is likely to take it, parents tend to delay this moment for as long as possible. And this is their hugest mistake because the sooner you inform your child about the removal, the better.
That way, your kid will have enough time to accept the fact and adapt to the change. Besides, having secrets from your child is wrong. It makes the kid feel betrayed, making the moving out of the process even a bigger hell to experience at home.
Here’s what’s best to do in the moment of sharing the news with your kid:
- Be honest. Hiding that the family is going to relocate will have the same effect as lying to your kid. That’s why it’s best to tell them all about it as soon as possible.
- Don’t give them too high expectations. Avoid disappointments when you move in. You can draw them beautiful pictures of your new life, but telling them that they will have a swimming pool and arriving on a property with a 5-square yard will make them quite angry with you.
- Don’t make the situation even more complicated. Talk with simple words. Just say that you need a new home. Provide enough details, but without spicing up or dramatising the way your future life will look like.
- Consider the impact of relocating through your kid’s eyes and talk to them. The truth is that your kid is frightened of the new home place, not because of the house itself. Your child is scared mainly of losing his friends and attending a new school. Prepare yourself for what you will say to your kid about them.
- Don’t show any negative emotions. Be cool! Get your poker face, and even if you have your concerns about the future, do not share them with your kid.
Let them help with moving out chores
Besides being lied to and treated like babies, kids hate being distanced from their personal lives. They feel more important and considered when they get involved in essential processes such as moving out.
After all, changing homes is a very exhausting task. Having a spare pair of hands for assistance is never unwanted, isn’t it?
Your child can be integrated into chores such as packing, the required end-of-lease deep cleaning, and even choosing a reliable removal company.
Pack their belongings last
Speaking of packing, in case your kid is still quite angry about what’s happening, you should avoid rushing to collect their stuff.
Instead, pack your child’s personal belongings at the very last moment. This is done because your child might need some extra time to adapt and accept what’s happening. You can never know, but one day your kid might come and show you his items packed and ready to go.
You can deep clean while they pack
Let’s imagine you let your kid pack his things just a few days before the removal. It’s now your chance to perform the required end of tenancy cleaning.
Remember that there’s a clause in your lease agreement where you are obliged to do this deep cleaning? If you don’t, please have a look at the document.
You might get some bad news, too – if your landlord isn’t happy with your sanitising results and you don’t put the property back into its presentable condition, and you will lose your tenancy deposit.
That’s why it’s essential to make a plan for the deep cleaning process and do the work thoroughly or contact a local professional deep cleaning crew.
Help them say goodbye and prepare for the new place
No, this is not going to worsen the situation. Actually, if you don’t provide them with the chance to say goodbye, you will likely be hated for a long time.
That’s why it’s strongly recommended you take this final step in the family’s life transformation together. Thus, you will show your kid that you do understand and respect his feelings.
Ask them to help you with the final check before moving out
One final check before moving out and after the end of tenancy cleaning is another good form of saying one last goodbye.
Besides, it’s a chance to get an extra pair of eyes to observe an omission that can cost your tenancy deposit.
Go through all the rooms and assign your kid the task of looking for stains. Children love games! And they usually take their responsibilities pleasantly if presented in the form of a game.
Just like you worry if you will pass the end of the tenancy cleaning check hassle-free, your kid worries about the first pass through the new school.
Truth is, your kid will survive the removal. You will, too. The key is to support each other and show your child that you value and respect their feelings! Simply stick together as a family, and don’t underestimate anyone’s feelings and concerns.